Bulk deliveries, dry or liquid are your employees safe

Bulk deliveries, dry or liquid are your employees safe

tanker unload safetytwo trailers - how to protect your employees

Be it a dry vacuum or pressure delivery trailer or a liquid deliver trailer, people will have to climb on it, fill it, maintain it, inspect it, repair it and many other functions requiring the employee to be in harms way. What do you mean harms way one might ask, on these trailers harms way happens when the trailer moves when not expected to move! Employees could be under it, beside it, behind it, on the side of it or even on top of it. Many accident reports show the employee left hanging when the trailer pulled away, some of them lucky to only be hanging, others get snagged by the trailer rigging and are seriously injured or killed when the fall protection reaches the end of its rope. Many other reports indicate caught in, behind, under or between the trailer and other structures. Many of the load and unload locations for these trailers are outside of facilities, sometimes remote and away from other employee traffic so if something bad happens it happens bad.

Protect your employees, demand that:

# 1 - the trailer glad hand brake line is removed and locked using a Glad Hand Lock, the trailer is a machine that can move, should it be "Locked Out" when that movement from stored energy-gravity- can effect the safety of an employee, or a bad decision by another person, the driver, could cause movement without any warning to the effected employee?

# 2 - wheel chocks are installed in front of and behind the rear set of trailer wheels to prevent inadvertent movement. While OSHA and DOT require wheel chocks when industrial powered equipment is in use on shipping docks what about the inadvertent movement of bulk trailers while employees are on, under, beside or behind them?

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